Through the Regional Initiative “Youth and Economic Empowerment,” Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) offers various alternatives for young people to develop as professionals, whether by attending university, pursuing technical studies, or taking vocational workshops.
On June 29, NPH El Salvador celebrated 12 young individuals who successfully completed their higher education training. Among the graduates were three bachelor’s degree holders in basic education, three cosmetologists, two professional chefs, two psychologists, one nurse, and one tourism graduate.
The newly graduated youths from different universities and institutes in Santa Ana gathered for a Thanksgiving dinner alongside special guests and various collaborators from the home.
During the evening, another significant celebration was acknowledged, as that same day marked the 25th anniversary of the founding of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos in El Salvador. A notable fact highlighted was the coincidence between the number of graduates that day and the number of children with which the home started in 1999.
One of the attendees at the celebration was Monsignor Ronald Hicks (a close benefactor of the NPH family), who offered encouraging words to the recent graduates, emphasizing two very important aspects of education: first, it is something that no one can take away from them throughout their lives; second, it is a tool that allows them to help and serve others.
In this way, the deep desire that Father William Wasson always had to see his children thrive through education was once again remembered.
In this same vein, Neftalí Leivas, Coordinator of Community Services and Youth House, pointed out that it is important to instruct new generations not only from knowledge but also from values. “Our young men and women are the future, and empowering them is crucial for societal development; therefore, it is necessary to provide them with tools and opportunities so they can realize their potential and become leaders in their community,” he explained.
For her part, one young woman expressed her gratitude for NPH’s “unequaled contribution” to her comprehensive development, thanks to which she has achieved a “full and bright future.” “I am proud to have belonged to the NPH family for accompanying me at every stage and providing me with the right tools to face societal challenges and life in general. But above all, for giving me the opportunity to become a professional,” said the young woman.
According to Guillermo Amaya, Coordinator of Houses, these events allow families to share in the excitement and pride for the rewards obtained after each student’s efforts. “It is very gratifying every time these graduation dates arrive at different educational levels; I ask God to enlighten them so they can continue achieving these milestones while following the legacy of our dear Father Wasson,” he expressed.
On another note, in March of this year, three other young people successfully completed their General Baccalaureate and are now preparing in various university careers and workshops.
With the “Youth and Economic Empowerment” initiative, NPH continues to provide opportunities for more young people to integrate into productive life and become independent; strengthening their participation, youth leadership, and multiple skills for their future lives.
Learn more about these and other initiatives that support hundreds of children and young people in Latin America and the Caribbean.