The Most Extensive Family in Honduras
NPH Honduras opened its doors in 1985. While the NPH Honduras family is made up of more than 266 children and young people in our residential care programs, thousands of children, adolescents, and families receive services through our diverse programs and projects. NPH Honduras’s operational headquarters are located at the Santa Fe Ranch, “El Rancho,” which is 36 kilometers outside of Tegucigalpa on the Highway to Olancho. Nonetheless, NPH operates family strengthening and social development projects throughout the entire country. In recent years, NPH Honduras has provided direct support to more than 3,000 children and young, among them more than 40 university graduates and more than 300 high school graduates, in different areas. Additionally, NPH Honduras has provided more 6,000 medical attentions and more than 114,000 services through community programs and multiple initiatives that promote family reintegration and the well-being of communities.
Marlon Velasquez expresses that his main motivation to continue with his daily work at NPH is: “To see each of our children develop and function freely and happily in school, and the fact that their parents with all confidence and security leave their children in our care. Also, when we approach them and ask them directly what is their perception of NPH?, and they express with firmness and security that for them NPH is not only a school, but their second family in which they feel safe and protected. Likewise, they state that NPH is an environment where they feel free to live their childhood, share with their peers and teachers, study and express their opinions and feelings without the worry of being at risk.
– Marlon Velásquez , National Director

Through residential alternative care programs that create a loving, family environment, NPH Honduras works to restore the basic human rights of vulnerable children and youth under 18 years old. NPH operates protection programs in two residential care centers: our operational headquarters the ‘’Santa Fe Ranch,’’ and the emergency shelter “Casa mi Esperanza”.
NPH Honduras empowers communities and families throughout the country, with the objective of sowing hope in vulnerable children and youth so that they become agents of change, fulfill their dreams, build a better future, and create a more just society. We implement different prevention initiatives and projects through the San José Family Center in the community Mata de Plátano, a Community Center located in Talanga, the “Small Steps” daycare center in Tegucigalpa, the academic scholarship program “Education’s Friends”, our family strengthening program for former beneficiaries “Hermanos Mayores” and the Humanitarian and Health Emergencies Response Team.


Through formal higher education programs, vocational training, and other support services, NPH empowers adolescents and young adults to secure their first job and earn a dignified living. This approach allows beneficiaries to achieve financial independence, autonomy, and a responsible character, thus contributing to the sustainable reduction of generational poverty.
NPH Honduras Timeline
Opened in 1985, NPH Honduras has a rich history that has always focused on child care.
Breaking generational poverty begins with helping a child.
Our Stories
National Director for NPH Honduras
JOB TITLE: NATIONAL DIRECTOR Level in the organizational chart: Management Reports to: Chief...
Celebrating Christmas at NPH Honduras
Christmas at NPH Honduras is a vibrant celebration filled with joy, community involvement, and...
The Journey of Miguel: A Story of Hope and Support
In a small town nestled in the hills of Honduras, a young boy named Miguel was born into a world...