León, Nicaragua: Land of lakes and volcanoes, home to brave and talented individuals. Among them is an exceptional young woman, Ms. León, also known as Esther Ruiz, who is currently participating in a prestigious beauty pageant in Nicaragua: Miss Grand NICARAGUA. Her...
Former NPH Volunteer Pens Inspiring Biography of Beloved Youth Wilmer Arias
Encinitas, CA – Former Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) volunteer Matthew Callans has published the first-ever biography of the late Wilmer Arias, an inspiring young man from the NPH home in Guatemala. Since 1954, Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos™ (NPH) has cared for...
The Consequences of Poverty in El Salvador
Poverty in El Salvador is a primary cause of many problems affecting many Salvadoran families, such as malnutrition, illiteracy, and school dropout. Research indicates that a root cause of poverty is the lack of access to education. Many people in the country’s rural...
A Team of NPH Psychologists Meets in Guatemala
Members of the Psychology Program at Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos’ homes across Latin America came to Guatemala to hold their ninth meeting. As part of the meeting’s topic of ''Integration of Trauma and Family,'' they discussed ''Mi Mochila” (My Backpack), a Dutch...
Breaking the Mold at NPH Honduras
Meet Louise. She enters the workshop wearing giant safety gloves and facemask, but behind the glass visor is a smile of conviction and a mind ready to work. “I love this type of work,” says the 16-year-old, “I always have. I know I’m a little different from the other...
The Story of Soledad
Soledad* was born on June 6th, 2001. She joined NPH when she was three months old because her family lived in extreme poverty. When Soledad first arrived at NPH, she lived in the Asis House, which was the house for babies, but when she was six years old, she moved to...
The Opportunity that Changed Our Lives
Marisela lives with her family of five in a small brick house with dirt floors. Her house is in a vulnerable community right on the road that connects the NPH El Salvador facility with the highway. Marisela lives there with her boyfriend, her small two boys, and her...
A Mother Fights for Justice for her Children
Violeta Guerrera*, 35-years-old, was born in a semi-urban town in the state of Chimaltenango. She grew up as the second youngest daughter with her ten brothers and sisters. Her family’s extreme poverty did not permit Violeta to have a proper and happy childhood. When...
The Opportunity To Achieve Our Hopes and Dreams
Maribel arrived at NPH Bolivia in 2005 with her older brother. Within the first year of NPH Bolivia opening its doors, Maribel* arrived with her brother when she was 4 years old and now, after 15 years at the home, Maribel is completing her year of service and looking...
Indigenous Roots Not Forgotten
Mariano currently studies nursing. He says he likes his career very much, because he helps a lot of people and one day wants to work in a clinic. Mariano shares more about his life and heritage. In the Amazonas region, near the northeast of the country, lives the...