Wiñay Pacha (from Quechua: time to grow) is an institution in Cochabamba that primarily addresses issues of violence and gender concerning children, youth, and the elderly.
As this institution is an expert in violence and gender issues, it responded to one of NPH Bolivia’s concerns regarding its population by contracting consulting services. In addition to the alliance established in October 2023, which began with professional outreach and working groups aimed at strengthening safeguarding policies through workshops and activities, both institutions are focused on children and adolescents with an emphasis on preventive work.
With a quasi-family model and the dynamics of interaction between educators and children, there arose a concern among educators: How to address trauma? How to identify behaviors of abuse or sexual violence? What to say if asked about these topics? In a family setting, educators are often the first trusted references.
Thus, in light of these questions, support from Wiñay Pacha was sought. The alliance includes paid consultancy services.
The partnership covers workshops and discussions on safeguarding policies and trauma, aiming to raise awareness among collaborators (not only educators but at a general level) as preventive agents against mistreatment, abuse, sexual violence, or any situation that disadvantages and undermines rights.
The consultancy recognizes the need for greater and better institutional resources regarding issues of sexual violence affecting children and adolescents and their effects, strengthening and generating psychotherapeutic, psychosocial, and psychoeducational resources. This is directed not only at psychologists directly involved with NPH Bolivia but also at the surrounding community that works with the population.
NPH Bolivia works diligently and constantly for the restoration of children’s and adolescents’ rights, implementing initiatives that are responsive to their needs while ensuring the overall health of program participants and their direct collaborators.