We Are Family
NPH Guatemala is a child home for more than 450 children cared for in internal and community programs during 2020. Since its creation in 1996, NPH opened its doors to children at social risk and extreme poverty, the family has been growing every year. In 2005, Casa San Andrés opened its doors to children and adolescents from the community living in vulnerable conditions to offer educational scholarships, early stimulation programs, recreational, artistic, sports and value formation programs. The programs have been so successful that today the foundation has more than 250 community beneficiaries from preschool to middle school. NPH provides a comprehensive education in a healthy and safe environment, strengthening the values and principles instilled by our founder Father William Brice Wasson. In addition to the home and school campus, there is a clinic that serves children and NPH staff, a general kitchen, a multipurpose room, a library, a computer room, and a chapel. There is also an administrative complex, accommodation for staff, volunteers and visits, five workshops where older boys and girls receive vocational training in baking, cooking, sewing, welding, crafts and carpentry.
“Together we are transforming lives and forging a better future for our children, young people, and the society. In this way we are fulfilling the mission of our founder.”
– Orlando Ramos, National Director

The main objective of the shelter and protection program is to provide comprehensive care to children and adolescents from 4 to 16 years at social risk, abandonment, abuse and neglect, referred by court order. They are provided with quality care in a safe environment, through services focused on education, spiritual formation, sports and art activities, physical and mental health care, empowerment, leadership development, family strengthening and life plan to develop their unique potential and train responsible men and women to integrate into society.
Prevention programs are based on family strengthening such as the NPH OneFamily family reintegration program, which contributes to the improvement of decent living conditions for children, adolescents and young people, providing care according to their needs and the Daycare Center with a focus on serving children from 2 to 4 years, children of single mothers and fathers in the communities, provides care through early stimulation.


Education is the key to a better life. For this reason, NPH offers a wide range of educational opportunities for our children; Children go through the pre-school grade from the Montessori program, basic education, and secondary school until they reach higher university studies. The school scholarship program is aimed at children and young people from neighboring communities, with limited economic resources, who benefit from educational scholarships, ensuring the universal right to education in order to train them under ethical principles, academic quality and technical preparation that favors the development of their unique potential to contribute productively to society.
NPH Guatemala Timeline
In 1996 the first children arrived in a temporary home in Sacatepequez
Breaking generational poverty begins with helping a child.
Download Our Annual Report

Our Stories
National Director for NPH Guatemala
JOB TITLE: NATIONAL DIRECTOR Level in the organizational chart: Management Reports to: Chief...
NPH Is My Home: A Story of Resilience
NPH is My Home My name is María Isabel Siquinajay, and I was born on June 22, 1989, in El Aldea...
Celebrating The Holidays at NPH Guatemala
Christmas at NPH Guatemala is a time of celebration, unity, and traditions that reflect the rich...