In Bolivia 20% of the population is under the risk threshold in food, in rural areas children have 2,5 more probabilities of suffering malnutrition than in the urban area.
The total population of Bolivia is 11,4 million and 2,4 million are suffering insufficient nutrition. Milk is a very important food for better health, that is why the World Health organization recommends 5.410 ounces by person each year, sadly in Bolivia the consumption by person is 2.130 ounces.
The home in NPH Bolivia family operates a residential care for more than 100 children from vulnerable situation or living in extreme conditions. Our program is located in the rural area north of Santa Cruz, 22 km from Portachuelo, and is surrounded by meadows and forests. At this context, the high market price of milk constitutes a financial challenge for our home. Therefore, we want to cover our consumption ourselves by holding our own milk cows. We further aim to become more independent of the local milk and to contribute to the health of our children.