In the face of escalating unrest in Port-au-Prince, the NPH premises at St. Anne's in Tabarre have become a refuge for those displaced by the city's turmoil. With homelessness on the rise, families are seeking safety, fleeing homes affected by violence and fire....
Staff from Hôpital Saint-Damien Take Part in Blood Drive
Some fifteen employees of Hôpital Saint-Damien came to the aid of patients through a blood drive organized on May 31 at the hospital's conference room. This initiative was organized by the hospital's management in partnership with the Centre national de transfusion...
Seeking Words – The Haitian Crisis in a Poem
I sit before a blank screen and will and woo words, hoping they will suddenly form and leap out onto my fingers. Not much leaping going on am afraid! Feels more like they are being dragged out begrudgingly, Reluctant to leave my muddled brain! How to write without...
St. Damien Hospital to Name New National Director
Dear NPH Family, I am pleased to announce Dr. Pascale Yola Gassant Heurtelou as the new National Director of St. Damien’s hospital effective May 2, 2022. She succeeds National Director Dr. Jacqueline Gautier, who will continue to support St. Damien Hospital in another...
Hope Makes One Live
The highs and lows of Haiti will remain with me forever. Suffice to say, in my 10 years on the Haitian side of the island of Hispaniola, there have been many lessons learned, character traits that I have adopted from the people’s strength and resilience. Their faith...
Jean Max: In the Aftermath of the Earthquake
Jean Max has been working as a radiologist at the St. Damien pediatric hospital in Port-au-Prince for a few years now, interpreting images and providing diagnoses in maternity and gynecology, among other areas. He is happy to be helping improve living conditions in...
NPH Graduate Supports Victims of the Haiti Earthquake
Modern people like to think that mankind controls nature, but sometimes the forces of nature remind us of their immense power in destructive ways. Recently, Haiti was the site of two such disastrous events. First, southwest Haiti was powerfully shaken by a...
Let Us Stand United with Haiti
I traveled around the hardest-hit areas in southern Haiti with the team sent by NPH, so I got to see how some communities had only mild damage, while other places really had been destroyed. One of the most devastated has been Sant Amitye Vijwin, a town where survivors...
NPH Arrives in Maniche
There is a Haitian proverb that says “bonjou se paspo ou” or “a hello is your passport.” In Haiti, it is considered very impolite to enter a town you have never been to without saying good morning. Usually, the person entering a new place should be the one to initiate...
Surgery Ward Saves Newborn Baby
Erica is a 28-year-old mother, residing in the Canaan neighborhood on the outskirts of the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince. She survives on an informal income, selling fruit and vegetables in the city, earning between US$1.25 to US$2-a-day, depending on whether there...