Ponte la Mochila, Every Child Deserves a Better Future

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NPH Peru launches this campaign to join efforts and eradicate school dropout rates together.

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9 Sep 2022

The education system in Peru still has many challenges to resolve in order to close the
educational gap throughout the country and vindicate the right to education with equal

One of the biggest obstacles is school dropout, a clear indicator that a significant number
of Peruvian children and young people are unable to fully exercise their right to education.
The situation is aggravated if we take into account the figures for school backwardness,
low learning achievement and early motherhood.

Currently, school dropout statistics in Peru are quite discouraging. In 2021, around 230
thousand children and adolescents dropped out of school according to the National
Household Survey (ENAHO) of the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics of
Peru (INEI). At the primary level, 128 thousand children dropped out of school, while at
the secondary level the figure rose to 102 thousand, so the dropout rate went from 1.3%
to 3.5% in the first case and from 3.5% to 4% in the second.

The two most significant factors that trigger this harsh reality are economic problems
(75.2%) and family problems (12.3%). This tough situation leads to having to overcome
new obstacles in the future, since a child who drops out of school will be an adult with
problems to enter the labor market and will be definitively immersed in the circle of

NPH firmly believes that education is fundamental to fighting and defeating poverty. That
is why, in addition to ensuring that the boys and girls live in a safe and loving family
environment, they also receive the assistance they need to reach their full potential
through our educational programs. From providing each child with all the necessary
school supplies to supporting university students in the transition to their college life,
whose education is supported entirely or mostly by NPH.

Protection programs aim to provide services focused on education, medical care, food
and clothing in an environment of safety, support and unconditional love based on
Christian values. This allows children to have better opportunities to later become leaders
in their own communities.

Likewise, preparation programs aim to provide educational programs, career guidance
and other support services that prepare young people to begin their adult lives by securing
a first job with dignity. The key outcome is to achieve financial independence, autonomy
and a caring and responsible attitude, thus contributing to the sustainable reduction of
generational poverty.

In August, the boys and girls of NPH Peru return to school after their mid-year vacation
and, like other Peruvian schoolchildren, require all their concentration to perform well
academically and obtain the best results at the end of the year. For this reason, on August
15, NPH Peru launched the campaign “Ponte la mochila por la niñez peruana”. The aim
of this initiative is to join efforts to eradicate school dropouts and support children,
adolescents and young people so that they can continue their education with more strength
and energy.

How to help?

Individuals or companies can support this initiative through in-kind donations (non-perishable food, personal hygiene and cleaning supplies) or financial contributions
through the NPH website, indicating that the contributions will be destined to the Peru

Join us in this great mission, share our work and message. The children of NPH Peru will
thank you.