Pamela is a six-year-old girl who is studying at our “Centro de Atención Infantil” (CAI). She is the oldest of four siblings – Miguel,* 4 years old (also attending CAI); Guillermo,* 2 years old, and Lily,* 4 months old – and they live very close to NPH with their parents. Pamela’s mother, Guadalupe, lived at NPH when she was younger, and she is very thankful to have the opportunity to have her kids involved with NPH through CAI. “I think education is very important, and I really appreciate that they have the opportunity to study at NPH. I also like that they receive medical attention and food. I’m thankful for this opportunity.”
Pamela is currently studying in kindergarten and is learning a lot, little by little.
Teacher Johana says, “I feel very happy to be part of this project (CAI), because I get to see the kids’ progress in their learning process. I have noticed how much Pamela has advanced, and she continues to learn more every day. She is more extroverted and talkative now.”
Pamela also shares her point of view about attending school: “I like to come to school because everything is very nice here. Now I know colors; my favorite one is pink. I also know the different animals, and my favorite animal is a bear. I have also learned how to color, which I really like!” She proudly shows her book and then continues: “I also like to come to school because I eat delicious food. I like to eat beans, plantain, cream, bread, and milk. I love pink milk! I have many friends and I play with them. I really like the swings and I also like to play soccer.”
Pamela is a girl full of energy. She enjoys spending time with her little brother Miguel at school. And both of them are teaching a lot of new words to their littlest brother, Guillermo. Guadalupe says she hopes to register Guillermo in CAI when he gets older. She really enjoys seeing her children involved in school. Every day, she walks to pick them up with her younger kids. Guillermo always gets excited when he sees his older siblings, and is ready to join school himself as soon as he gets older.
Centro de Atención Infantil serves the children from communities outside of NPH, and the kids of Hermanos Mayores (adults who grew up at NPH), since January 2017. Seeing the children grow up and become more independent every day is what motivates us to continue providing them everything they need to learn.
*Names changed for privacy reasons.